Daily Archives: August 16, 2013

Big Bang Theory!

I have to admit that I am addicted to the sitcom The Big Bang Theory


The show explores everyday issues and makes me laugh endlessly. I mean seriously. (no pun intended!) Sheldon just cracks me up. If he were my real friend (and not my imaginary friend) I would probably slap him silly. I love his childlike ways and the fact that they treat him like a child in order to deal with him. Come on Penny and Leonard fought over him like a custody battle when they broke up. Penny took him to Disneyland and Leonard was upset because he ate too much. They even put him to bed and commented like parents on how cute he was when he was asleep. It was priceless.


I love that Penny sings ‘Soft Kitty” to Sheldon when he is sick. His childlike demeanor is adorable and makes his ‘logical side’ easier to deal with.


Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty Little ball of fur. Happy Kitty, Sleepy kitty purr purr purr.

And how can you not love the relationship between Sheldon and Amy Farrah Fowler? It is priceless. These two seemed to be so much alike in the beginning. Until Amy’s femaleness invaded and now she is just hilariously doing anything she can to make Sheldon see her as a woman…even pretending to be sick so he will rub vapo rub on her chest!http://www.prosieben.de

So tell me, Who is your favorite character on The Big Bang Theory? If you could play one of the characters who would it be?

Friday Finds (Aug 16)

FF2_MdFRIDAY FINDS showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever! (they aren’t necessarily books you purchased).

So, come on — share with us your FRIDAY FINDS!

My Friday Finds this week was discovered while perusing Teaser Tuesday posts. It looks interesting and I love the cover.

Banish Banish by Nicola Marsh.

Alyssa has one week to destroy her enemy, save her spirit… and save her soul.

After her ex-boyfriend commits suicide and her mum’s alcoholism sparks yet another psychotic episode, seventeen-year-old Alyssa Wood flees her small hometown of Broadwater and heads to New York City to stay with her bohemian aunt — a Wicca High Priestess.

Alyssa revels in the anonymity of a big city and her new life. Her grades climb, she has a new best friend, and a new guy: the sexy geek Ronan — a saxophone player who prefers jazz to pop.

But her new found peace is soon shattered when she sees a dead body in one of Ronan’s music clips — and she’s the only one who can see it. Worse still, Alyssa recognizes the body that has been murdered a week forward!

Alyssa doesn’t believe in the supernatural…despite her family’s Wicca background. So how will she overcome evil when it’s closer than she thinks? (Goodreads excerpt)

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Friday Finds post, or share your ‘finds’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! :D

Friday Finds is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Check out their blog!