Friday Finds (June 28)

FF2_MdFRIDAY FINDS showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read (TBR) list… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever! (they aren’t necessarily books you purchased).

So, come on — share with us your FRIDAY FINDS!

I found these books on Goodreads while perusing new things to read.  They both look really good and are both classified as New Adult.  Surprisingly no magic or special powers at all which is a real change for me.  I must be getting soft in my old age…lol  

Worst Week Ever (Long Road to Love #1) Worst Week Ever by Liza O’connor

What do you get when you put a hardworking, can-do middle-class young woman together with a egoistical, outrageous, billionaire boss, then throw in the worst week of disasters imaginable?

Book 1 of the 3 book series A Long Road to Love, named Worst Week Ever.

Trent Lancaster spends one month without his Executive Assistant (or as his drivers refers to Carrie: ‘Trent’s brain, left hand, and right hand’. He’s had a miserable month without her at his side and to ensure it never happens again, he intends to marry this brilliant beauty. Only given all the times he’s threatened to fire her, he’s not sure she even likes him. However, the future of his company and his happiness depend upon him succeeding, so Trent begins a slow one week seduction, that happens to coincide with Carrie Hanson’s Worst Week Ever when everything that can go wrong does so in hilarious form. (Hilarious to the reader, Carrie is not having much fun this week.) (Goodreads Excerpt)

Inevitable (Harmony, #1) Inevitable by Angela Graham.

After experiencing a humiliating breakup, twenty-two-year-old Cassandra Clarke is fresh out of college and living a simple solitary life without any intentions of pursuing love anytime soon.

When the estate next door sells, the last thing Cassandra expects is the unnerving attraction she feels for her sinfully handsome neighbor, Logan West, the young and charming single father with a playboy reputation.

It’s through Oliver, Logan’s four-year-old son, who keeps popping up in her childhood tree house, that she slowly begins to catch glimpses of the compassionate and wounded man Logan has hidden beneath his strong exterior.

Cassandra knows it’s wrong and that she’s heading for another heartbreak.
Logan will never be able to give her what she wants…love. (Goodreads Excerpt)

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Friday Finds post, or share your ‘finds’ in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! :D

Friday Finds is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Check out their blog!


2 responses to “Friday Finds (June 28)

  1. Ha ha! Worst Week sounds hilarious! 😀 Thanks for sharing that, added to my TBR list.

    Andrea K. @ Books and Bindings
    Friday Finds

  2. I like the sound of both of these, although re worst week ever I hope he wants her for more than her organisational skills – marrying your secretary so she is trapped working for you is not cool!

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