WWW Wednesdays (Nov 5)

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

My Answers:

Recently Finished:  Actually have not really finished a book in quite a while so I will leave this blank.  I have been crazy busy with other stuff so my reading has slipped 😦

SteadfastCurrently Reading : Steadfast (Spellcaster #2) by Claudia Gray.  OMG I love this author and love this series.  Amazing!

Up Next?

StoneColdTouch_FC1-195x300 Holy Catfish I can’t believe Stone Cold Touch (Dark Elements #2) is finally out!  I loved the first book and the novella and am dying to read this one! It is burning a hole in my ipad as we speak…lol

I also have these in my sights!

Reckoning (The Arotas Trilogy, #2)Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)

Reckoning (Arotos Trilogy #2) by Amy Miles

Magic Burns (Kate daniels #2) by Ilona Andrews

And as always you never know what little treasure will show up and DEMAND to be read.  Happy reading everyone.

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own WWW Wednesdays post, or share your answers in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog). Thanks! :D

WWW Wednesday is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Check out their blog!

10 responses to “WWW Wednesdays (Nov 5)

  1. Ooooh Stone Cold Touch:)

  2. I got both Dark Elements books in hopes to read them sometime soon. Just not enough time!! I hope you love the new book. 🙂

  3. Girl I totally understand getting so busy with everything else that your reading falls behind. Been there, done that. I hope you get to finish one soon. 🙂
    The cover of Stone Cold Touch looks like my kind of book. I have never heard of it, but am definitely planning to check it out!

  4. I got excited as soon as I saw the title of your blog. I love paranormal YA! All of those look good! Sadly, I haven’t read any of them yet, but I’ll be adding them to my TBR list! New follower! I love your site!

  5. I really need to read some more Jennifer L Armentrout. I keep saying it but it needs to happen!

  6. hopelessbookaddict

    Ah! Stone Cold Touch was the best! I am so Team On-The-Fence right now

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