Daily Archives: October 7, 2013

The Truth about you and me by Amanda Grace

The Truth About You and Me The Truth About You and Me by Amanda Grace.  Published Sept 1, 2013 by Flux.  CDN $9.94 paperback.

Madelyn Hawkins is super smart. At sixteen, she’s so gifted that she can attend college through a special program at her high school. On her first day, she meets Bennett. He’s cute, funny, and kind. He understands Madelyn and what she’s endured – and missed out on – in order to excel academically and please her parents. Now, for the first time in her life, she’s falling in love.

There’s only one problem. Bennett is Madelyn’s college professor, and he thinks she’s eighteen – because she hasn’t told him the truth.

The story of their forbidden romance is told in letters that Madelyn writes to Bennett – both a heart-searing ode to their ill-fated love and an apology. (Goodreads Excerpt)

I have to say that I was drawn into the book with the way it is told. The letter to Bennett was unexpected but a really good way to make you totally feel for Madelyn. It kept me engaged and reading page after page. I think it made me feel more empathy for her and her feelings. I was totally swept away by her feelings of passion and love and it was real. It is an unusual way to tell a story but it works extremely well with the story.

As for Bennett, I like how Madelyn explains his part in their story and I felt really sorry for him. Through her description of the events unfolding I got a real sense that he loved her and you could tell that the truth was going to be devastating for him.

I am still a little torn whether or not I like the ending. This is going to be hard to explain, but I think if the author left the story before she added the ‘two years later’ part I would have been fine with the ending. When she added it, I felt like there was hope…and then it was gone. I hope that makes sense. I am after all a hopeless romantic.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. It was compelling and well written. I am giving it 4.5 stars because I am still undecided if I like the ending.


Superstition – Real or Not?


Superstition is the belief in supernatural causality: that one event leads to the cause of another without any natural process linking the two events, such as astrology, religion, omens, witchcraft, etc., that contradicts natural science. (wikipedia)

I am the type of person that likes to defy the natural order and go against what others believe t be bad luck.  When I was a kid, I stepped on every crack I could find,  and my mother’s back is just fine.  (And no I wasn’t trying to hurt her!).

This doesn’t mean I don’t believe in magic or other things that science can’t prove, because I absolutely do believe in things I can’t see or explain. (Ghosts, Witches, Magic, reincarnation, and the creatures that I swear live in the wall sockets.)   I think I just like to live on the edge a little.  I’m the kind of person who wants to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!  reinventingsandib.com

Seriously it’s on my bucket list!

But back to superstition.  I have no issues going under a ladder, crossing a black cat (cause they are too cute!),or  opening an umbrella in the house just because it drives people nuts!  I don’t understand how people can come to the conclusion that these will cause bad luck.  How did this come to be?  And how does the superstition remain in this day and age?  I swear I must have broken at least a dozen mirrors in my lifetime and I really don’t have any more bad luck than the next guy.  Of course that is totally subjective.  Maybe if I had been more careful I would be a millionaire by now!  Or a world famous Author!

I came across this site with many common superstitions and I shook my head when I read them.


I mean seriously “A cat will try to take the breath from a baby”.  The cat just likes the smell of the milk the baby drank, they are not evil creatures.  How dare they insult the  kitty!  Kitty’s are sacred in some cultures.


The Egyptians new how to treat a cat! (Of course they also buried them with the dead to protect them in the next life – poor kitty)

Maybe I love black cats because of the Witch in me?  They are just adorable.  How can anyone ever think this guy is bad luck?


So my question to you is …Do you believe in any superstitions? What are they?  How did you come to believe in this?  I love hearing from you, so please leave a comment.