Steadfast (Spellcaster #2) by Claudia Gray

Steadfast Steadfast (Spellcaster #2) by Claudia Gray.  Published Mar 4, 2014 by Harper Teen.  CDN $ 11.99 Kindle Edition

Nadia, Mateo, and Verlaine have saved Captive’s Sound from the dark Sorceress Elizabeth…or so they thought. Despite their best efforts, a crack opened and a new, greater evil seeped through. With Mateo as her Steadfast, Nadia’s magic is magnified and she is more powerful than ever. But there is still so much she doesn’t know about the craft, leaving her open and vulnerable to a darker magic…which has begun to call Nadia’s name. (Goodreads Excerpt)

Well holy freaking cliff-hanger! I loved this second book in the Spellcaster series. I love the magical elements and how the spell casting is based on your past experiences. It makes me wonder if Nadia is going to have to have some really bad experiences to compete with Elizabeth. I love the darker magic elements that are thrown in making the whole good vs evil very tantalizing and edge of your seat. The cliff-hanger at the end gives the ominous sense that all is going to go very bad very quickly in the next book and I think we are in for one heck of a roller coaster ride.

I do hope that Verlaine has more in the next book. I love her character and would like to see her explored more.

Overall the book is amazing. Full of twists, turns, evil sorceress, magic and the never ending hope that love will conquer all with the impending doom feeling that it just won’t work out that way.

5 stars for me!

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